A Bald Eagle right across the lake in front of our window
While I was decrying in one of the posts the lack of a shop and tools, I remembered an assignment we got while in college. In a photography class, we were asked to go on a “scavenger hunt”, to shoot a roll of black and white film on a subject of our own choosing. The difference today is that with my digital camera I can shoot a gazillion full-color pictures that I then just download onto my computer where I can pick and choose and crop as I like. As we stroll almost daily on the alleys in our park, it’s a thrill to see all the birds, the various bushes in full bloom, the green trees and palms and yes, the resident alligator and his cousin Larry and uncle Harry.

"AL" the alligator sunning himself on a tiny island in our park
And "Cousin Larry"

A flock of White Ibis feeding on the lakeshore

An Anhinga showing off the prize fish it has just speared with its beak
The Anhinga drying its wings after fishing

A Belted Kingfisher waiting for the right moment to dive for that minnow

A Great Egret after preening its plumage

A Tricolored Heron

Off he goes!
A spotted Limpkin wading on the water's edge
A Roseate Spoonbill
This must be Al's uncle!
A pair of Sandhill Cranes foraging for acorns
And another critter that likes acorns!